Monday, April 30, 2012

We are a Go !!!!! is 4:00 P.M. and I just got off the phone with the surgeon's office and we are a go for tomorrow...woohoo....Surgery is scheduled for 2:15 P.M.   I will go in around 11:15 A.M.  Thanks to all for your love, support, prayers and listening has been a long long journey and hopefully we will make it all the way tomorrow and get down to the real hard work...recovery.  love to all   Ginny
  A special thanks to my sweet hubby for hanging in there with me over these last six months...I know it hasn't been easy...I love you and appreciate you........

Friday, April 27, 2012

Second Time around.......

The test I had done in urologist office on Wed. 4/18 showed I had a bladder soon as I found out I went on antibiotic . Yesterday, April 26, I was retested will take a couple of days to get the results.
If the test shows the infection numbers have gone down significantly, the urologist will approve me for the May 1 surgery date.  For now we wait...............

Friday, April 20, 2012


GOOD NEWS.... I have a surgery date...Tuesday, May 1 at 2:15 P.M.
I am thrilled that it is so close...I thought I might have to wait months.  I will see urologist this coming Monday, 4/23 for cathetered urine sample.  It will take 3 days for the results...and then he will clear me for surgery. My favorite verse brings me "hope". 
Jeremiah 29:11   For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for give you a future and a hope. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's Tuesday it most be St. Jude Medical Center .....not

I am supposed to be in the hospital tonight waking up with my new hip....NOT...short version is first cathter test...still shows contamination...second one...with foley cathter...still there.  Surgeon came in and said sorry  but we cannot go forward.  Big if any infection could go directly to the new hip.  Not a good thing.  FYI...for years after you have to take antibotic with any dental work , cleaning or filling or anything because of risk of infection.
This decision came after.....iv in, blood test, in gown, leg washed with idodine, leg marked by surgeon and compression nylon on left leg... (right one would be put on during surgery)...In other words we were ready to do go.  To say I was disappointed is an under statement.  Bad part today....did not have a good part....chaplin came in and prayed with me.... that calmed me down. Thanks to Larry for being there for me...calm and supportive and loving....
 Tomorrow...appt. at 11:00 with urologist to see what is going on with this situation.  After we get resolved we can again move forward with the new hip.  This journey has not been a straight line...very curvy and curvy road make me nauseated....  thanks for all your thoughts, cards, prayers, e mails etc.  hugs to all  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Not what I expected

The news I got today was not what I expected....I thought after I had the additional urine test this morning  that my surgeon would say "yes" we are a go or "No"  we are postponing.  The information I got from the surgeon's office was ....the test this am still showed cells that shouldn't be it was contaminated...but shouldn't be because it was done by is having me come in to the hospital tomorrow at 7:45 a.m. (like planned ) they will retest again and if the result is the same...she will make a decision at that time whether or not we go forward with the surgery.   Yes..that's right a decision am tomorrow whether I am having surgery tomorrow. Even if the test is the same ..I will be getting antibiotic so that might let them go ahead.  You can't make this stuff up.  I am glad I titled this "My Journey" because ... it is a journey for sure. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thoughts on my journey of getting a Total Hip Replacement

Well...This coming Tuesday, April 17, 2012 hopefully will be the day I get my new hip.  I have been waiting a long time...since Oct. 5, 2011.  There have been many challenges along the way ...the latest being diagnosed with anemia, which I was able to improve in 4 weeks. My Primary Doctor gave me the OK for surgery last week but now the hiccup is I was told last week that I have a bladder infection...I will be retested next Monday...the day before my scheduled surgery.  If the infection is still will be postponed.  If it is gone....things will proceed.  I am praying the infection will be gone and I will be able to have the surgery.  I want to get rid of this walker I use all the time.  I want to have a life with less pain and I want to be more active.  Hopefully the journey will begin next Tuesday at 10:45 a.m.